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Challenging Zeus

I visited Greece between June 7th and 16th. It was a family trip, so I restricted myself mammalwise to one main goal: observing Balkan Chamois at Mt. Olympus. – Mt. Olympus is the…

Ralf’s magazine articles

Find below a selection of articles that Ralf wrote for various magazines including Kosmos, Geo, Natur, Terra, Zoon, etc. (cover pages shown).

Die siehst Du! Tiere um dich herum – Der Kosmos-Naturführer

DA SIND SIE! Rund ums Haus, auf der Wiese, im Wald, in den Bergen, auf hoher See oder unter der Erde: unsere heimischen Säugetiere leben überall. Und ganz…

Ours, Loup, Lynx – Ils sont de retour

Das ist die französische Übersetzung meines Buchs „Sie sind wieder da – Bär, Luchs und Wolf erleben. – Randdonner sur les traces des loups, observer comment les ours…

Hinaus in den Wald

Entdecken, wo Deutschland am grünsten ist. Ausflüge in die Wälder – mit vielen Outdoor-Tipps

Wildlife of the Arabian Desert

I visited the UAE between January 8th and 15th 2022. My aims were to make a story for terra, a German travel magazine; to look for one of…


Ralf is a trained biogeographer and journalist. He currently works as a free-lance author, wildlife photographer and guide. For many years his focus was on bears, his main…

Mammal encounters in Sweden

I was looking for mammals during a family trip between 24th of August and 7th of September in 2021. I brought along my camera, a flashlight and bat detector and left my thermal imager at home. I…

Looking for Carpathian Chamois in Romania

My quest to document all species and subspecies of chamois let me to Romania in August 2021. 8.8.: Coming from Germany via Austria, Slowakia and Hungary, I leave…

Mammal watching joys in Hungary

5.8.: Coming from Slovakia my next stop is Aggtelek National Park in Northern Hungary. I stay at a lovely hostel, where I am the only guest. It rains and I decide:…