Italy, that is the Colosseum, the Florence Cathedral, the Tower of Pisa. Due to its cultural wealth, Italy has the highest density of museums in the world. And…
This is a report about my road trip to Northern Spain, the first with my wife without our daughter since she was born. It could have become a honeymoon revival journey, but…
From January 22nd to 29th 2024, as a journalist, I accompanied a trip to the Dubai Desert organised by Biosphere Expeditions. Participants engage as citizen scientists for mammals, birds and…
I visited Georgia between 28. 10. and 11. 11. 2023. The main purpose of this trip was to find and photograph Caucasian Chamois. For me it is the last of the ten chamois subspecies, that I wanted…
Between May 27th and June 10th 2023 I went on a family trip to Greece just to relax and explore, but of course also to look for wildlife. The Mediterranean Monk Seal (MMS) is considered the world’s…
Kenya is undoubtedly one of the best places to observe wildlife – as many trip reports on proof. The biodiversity is simply overwhelming. Anyone who visits the country learns that Kenia needs visitors in…
During the last week of October and the first week of November 2022 I did a 3000 km road trip through Anatolia. My main goal was to find Anatolian Mouflon,…
I watched for big and small wildlife during a three-week family trip to the archipelagos of Vesteralen and Lofoten. – Just a few general notes: I wouldn’t consider Norway a good wildlife…
I visited Greece between June 7th and 16th. It was a family trip, so I restricted myself mammalwise to one main goal: observing Balkan Chamois at Mt. Olympus. – Mt. Olympus is the…
DA SIND SIE! Rund ums Haus, auf der Wiese, im Wald, in den Bergen, auf hoher See oder unter der Erde: unsere heimischen Säugetiere leben überall. Und ganz…
I was looking for mammals during a family trip between 24th of August and 7th of September in 2021. I brought along my camera, a flashlight and bat detector and left my thermal imager at home. I…
My quest to document all species and subspecies of chamois let me to Romania in August 2021. 8.8.: Coming from Germany via Austria, Slowakia and Hungary, I leave…
5.8.: Coming from Slovakia my next stop is Aggtelek National Park in Northern Hungary. I stay at a lovely hostel, where I am the only guest. It rains and I decide:…
I visited the High Tatras in August 2021 to continue my observations of Tatra Chamois. I then resumed my trip towards Hungary with stopovers at Spiš Castle and Muránska Planina National Park. In total I had five days to look for wildlife in Slovakia.
I was travelling East this summer (2021) and came through Austria, where I spent some hours at three different locations: two at Lake Neusiedl, one in Vienna. 1.8.:…
I visited Tajikistan between February 15th and March 2nd 2020. They main purpose of the trip for me was to see Markhor. Of course I was equally excited to observe all other wildlife species –…
The Anatolian Chamois is a very rarely discussed and documented taxon. Lydekker described it for the first time in 1908. Find below a summary of facts and some…
During September 2019 I visited the United States to attend the 7th World Mountain Ungulate Conference. Before and after I had a total of 10 days to look for…
I visited Dovrefjell–Sunndalsfjella National Park from June 11th to June 17th. The area is considered the last highland wilderness of Europe, where one can observe free ranging Reindeer,…
„Caprinae world“ is an online catalogue with information about wild goats, sheeps and related species. Some of the data has never been made accessible online – accept here.
From July 30th to August 12th 2018 I had the pleasure to be on a „Biosphere Expeditions“-Trip to support a conservation project regarding the very elusive Snow Leopard…
Check this illustrated list of birds (70+ species) if you want to find out what you can expect when you go birding in the Mishmi Hills, Arunachal Pradesh,…
Through Jon Hall from I heard of a 3-day-press-trip through Slovenia and Croatia. I applied and the organizers from LIFE DINALP BEAR welcomed me. My family and…
Sechs Jahre haben wir auf sie gewartet. 2017 ist sie nun endlich eingezogen: eine Turmfalken-Familie. Vier Monate habe ich sie mit der Kamera begleitet.
In June my family and I spent a few days at Mandra Edera. This country hotel in Western Sardinia, Italy, is mainly a destination for horse riders, but…
It has been a dream for years to visit Kaziranga Nationalpark. Pobitora and Hoollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary in India and finally Bhutan were equally on my wish list.
The Northern Chinese Argali or Shansi Argali is an extinct subspecies of Ovis ammon. According to IUCN no records have been identified based on literature reviews, interviews, and field work for several decades.